Agrarian Law (Law No. 5 of the year of 1960) stipulates under article 5
that agrarian law is custom law. One of custom law principle is the application
of horizontal separation principle under
its agrarian law.
The use of vertical principle on the
Development of Apartment by Condominium System Way in Indonesia especially
about Aspect of the Strata Unit Right of Apartment in the Sphere of Land and
Property Law as be regulated in article of the 8 of Condominium Law caused that
all legal actions upon Strata Unit Right of the Apartment based on the study of
normative and empirical way becoming inconsistent with horizontal separation
principle. Therefore, there are coming up some issues such as aspect of land
ownership on strata unit of Apartment becoming
inconsistent (by normative way
(Law of Condominium) as well as by empirical way) to apply horizontal separation principle by the use of
land law, the strata unit right of Apartment to be placed as land register
object as regulated by article the 3 of the government regulation No. 24 of
1997 regarding land register and Bank is so difficulty to accept mortgage of
the strata unit right of Apartment with
the use of strata title concept.
exposed that if horizontal separation principle to be implemented by separation
between land and building in the Development of Apartment will be problem to
buyer candidates. Its means the buyers could be doubt and are not interested to
buy strata unit of Apartment, so it could be problem for developer. Therefore,
aspect of land ownership on such strata unit right should be consistent look
like article 6 of law No. 4, 1992 regarding Real Estate Law, so Condominium Law
should be consistent by strata title system where it could be
communal ownership by horizontal beside ownership by vertical or back to
accession principles ( article of the 571 of Civil Law) especially for big
cities where their land becoming difficulty
or systems of land management/land banking/land advance acquisition/leasehold
.Beside that, replacing strata unit right of apartment
as land register object could be
not clear and clean upon its land
ownership. Its implication, it could be
conflict of interest or legal dispute
among owners of the strata unit
right of Apartment. Therefore,in the
future there is needed separation
certificate land and building upon strata unit right of Apartment, including its land and building
tax. In practical way, Bank is so difficulty to accept mortgage of strata unit
right of Apartment with the use of strata title concept because there is no supporting regulation yet. So it could be
risk to Bank because it could be difficult to be executed by court if debtor
break of law.
conclusion of this research result that horizontal separation principle could
submit solution to prevent and avoid
conflict of interest or legal
dispute among owner of the strata unit of Apartment in Indonesia in the future.
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